Author : Emel KOÇ
Number of pages : 1-22


Philosophy is an activity of thought, a type of thinking. Philosophy is thought which is critical and comprehensive. Philosophy’s duty is to try to make the unquestioned acceptations or assumptions explicit by bringing criticism. One important reason for studying philosophy is that it deals with fundamental questions about the meaning of our existence. Some big questions that philosophy tries to answer are: “Why are we here?, “What is good?” “What is evil?” and even “What is philosophy?” Philosophy opens profound questions that most people find intrinsically interesting. Learning to think philosophically teaches a range of skills - analysis, synthesis, problem solving, objectivity, independence of thought - and helps develop personal attributes. Philosophy provides many new perspectives, tools and ideas that can deepen other fields of study. Studying philosophy prepares students for many different kinds of careers because it focuses on the foundations of learning and fosters many different kinds of transferable skills.


Philosophy, philosopher, the value of philosophy, criticism, question dynamism.

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