Author : Nadide ŞAHİN
Number of pages : 477-498


It is seen that all religions, which exist with humanity during the history, have the concept of salvation. However, religions differ in the aspect of the meaning they attribute for salvation and the recipes for salvation they represent. In Christianity, the concept of salvation is based on the salvation from the state of the human being, who has a dirty and sinful nature because of original sin. According to Christianity original sin is a transmitted hereditary guilt which was committed by Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. To attain eternal salvation, it is required to be saved from this sin. However, it was not possible for the human being to achieve this goal on his own effort during the history. Thus God has sent his only begotten Son (Jesus) thanks to his love and mercy and he has saved humanity from original sin by sacrificing himself on the cross as a redeem for the sins of humanity. According to followers of Christianity, Jesus who saved the ones that passed away in a state of original sin by sacrificing himself preaches, baptism and affiliating Christian community for the salvation of future generations. Qur'an, which emphasizes that Islam is the unique way of salvation, clarifies all essentials which are necessary for salvation, moral and religious maturity and wants Human being to organize his relationship between his Lord and all humanity based on divine criterions. In this expect Islam differs from Christianity, which maintains the concept of original sin, with the view of that the human being was born sinless, not in need of being saved from a potentially evil situation and it is possible to be saved with penitence. In Qur'an, it is stated that human is a perfect being as the caliph of Allah and was honored by equipping him with several strengths and abilities and, making other beings subservient to him. According to Islam for salvation in this earth and hereafter, the human being is supposed to know Allah with the help of wisdom and prudence which he is given and obey the moral behaviors he ordered.


Christianity, Islam, salvation, original sin, Jesus

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