Author : Ünal ACAR
Number of pages : 172-182


The most important feature that distinguishes man from other living things is that he is a creator, creator and teacher of homo culturalis. Thinking about the topic of my work; our mind is an unlimited skill. According to the Turkish Language Institution Turkish dictionary, ından To think on a subject, to mind, to think, to think, to think, to imagine. E According to Aristotle; thinking, which is an independent and distinctive action of the mind, i is the ability to comprehend, distinguish, combine, connect, and form. akl The mental processes in the thinking process are called reasoning. Reasoning of reasoning according to a specific logic constitutes the kind of thinking. Thinking types are generally named according to the processes applied in our minds. Systematic thinking encompasses complex elements that involve various elements and relationships between them. Critical thinking is a thought to evaluate information. Each way of thinking has its own processes and techniques. In our article, we will focus on the internal and external factors that affect our processes and thoughts.


Thinking, Thought, Knowledge, Analytical Thinking, Human.

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