Author : Mualla MURAT -- Burcu ŞAHİN
Number of pages : 168-192


In lexicology metaphor means “transferring a word to a new meaning”, and the meaning of this word is “to transfer”. In addition to the schools that distinguish metaphor from some types of art, idiom transfer, depiction, symbols or images, there are also disciplines which use metaphor with these expressions. The aim of this study is to examine the metaphors in the poems of Âşık Veysel, one of the most important names of Turkish folk literature. In this study, it is seen how his thoughts, emotions and beliefs on life, love, love, faith, friendship, and hope are reflected and expressed in the poems of Aşık Veysel. In spite of the negative experience that Aşık Veysel had during his childhood and youth, he lived in a virtuous and sophisticated way, which can be seen in the metaphors of his poems. Values and beliefs are particularly emphasized with metaphors. The poems of Aşık Veysel, which can be used in multi-faceted field studies in Turkish education, are materials that can be used easily both in theory and in practice. Regarding the academic studies conducted on Âşık Veysel, 14 articles have been reached on the Google engine, and according to the studies conducted in the Council of Higher Education Thesis Center, 4 theses have been reached. The works of Âşık Veysel are available for further investigation.


Education ,metaphor, Âşık Veysel

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