Author : Recep DİKİCİ
Number of pages : 1-7


Epigram means fine expressive, elegant and joking word in Arabic language. Epigram is associated with anecdote and joke but does not mean the same thing. Only some anecdotes and jokes are epigrammatic. Unfortunately, the collection of epigrams as books has been neglected. Evliya Çelebi, Lâmiî and some other authors wrote books on this issue. Distinguished personalities of Turkish literatüre, Mehmet Akif and Mevlâna also epigrammatized. In this article, the subject “nukât” (epigram) in Turkish and Arabic literature was presented as a basis for introduction to the main subject. Then the life of Mehmet Râif was mentioned and Arabic epigrams in his work named “Nukât-ı Edebiyye” was examined. The subject “nukât” (epigrams) in the Classical Arabic literature has not been examined much more until today. Therefore, the distinguished literary men and poets of Arabic literature such as al- Mutanabbî, Abû Ali al- Fârisî, al- Ferrâ, al-Muhelhil, İmru’ulkays and al- Asmaî and the parts which consists of the Arabic epigrams about the Prophet Joseph (aleyhissalâm) and Layla and Majnûn from this rare work is presented in this article.


Arabic, Literary Epigram, Mehmet Râif, Nukât-ı Edebiyye.

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