Author : Yasemin ABALI ÖZTÜRK -- Çavuş ŞAHİN
Number of pages : 328-344


The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable “Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale”. The study is a descriptive survey. The data collection tools to develop the scale was employed over 269 students from seven fifth grade classes chosen in view of the differences in socio-economic backgrounds and achievement levels of the participants in central Çanakkale. The efforts made to create items pool for the scale resulted in draft forms of Material Self-Efficacy Scale of 26 items in the form of 5-point Likert scale. In the present study intended for the creation of scale, SPSS was deployed for exploratory factor analyses and reliability analyses and Lisrel 8.51 for confirmatory factor analyses. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the scales. The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient was calculated to be .95 for Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale. Relying on the performed analyses, the 5-point Likert-style Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale of 24 items with a single domain was developed. It was concluded that the developed measurement scale was reliable, valid, and useful enough to use in scientific research to be carried out to examine and determine five graders’ self-efficacy beliefs about mathematics.


Mathematics self-efficacy, scale development, val

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