Author : Yener ÖZEN
Number of pages : 52-66


It is possible to define a problem as a different social situation. A problem can be defined as a type of behavior that is part of a chain of actions among various persons. Repetitive behavior is the focus of the sequence therapy. A symptom is a label for the clarification of a behavioral line at a social level. The fact that symptoms such as depression or phobia are treated as an agreement between people, and therefore thinking that they relate to sleeping, leads to a new way of thinking in the field of therapy. Rather than assuming that a statement is irrational and based on misperceptions that have been going on since the past, it is claimed that a statement is a way of adapting to the present social situation. Logically, he followed the idea that if a symptom should be replaced, therapy should focus on changing social status. Optimal Therapy is for anyone who wants to be the best that can be and enjoys the best with life. If you want to optimize your life by optimizing your thinking, it is necessary to learn optimal thinking methods. A lot of people want to live in the relationship of ideal, but they try to stay with the good of the bad. People can get away from the concepts of being happy from the environment they are in, embracing the group they belong to, feeling the desire to work for the better and the motivation to do the best in the conditions they are in, the concepts that each person basically desires and when they are not happier or peaceful.


Self, Psychology of Self, Problem Solving, Optimal Therapy, Counseling

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